Attract Top Talent & Take Your Brand Further Than Ever Before

We make it easy for you to find the best and brightest entry to mid-level candidates the world has to offer. A Foot in the Door helps you harness the power of storytelling through 60 second personality-driven videos to meet passionate human beings bursting with potential.

Brand pages put your company’s culture on the center stage

One thing about applicants, they are in a hurry to find the right fit and launch their future. With a full-featured company Brand Page, you’re helping candidates choose you for all the right reasons. Not only that, you get to showcase the innovative brand you worked so hard to grow.

What Does Engagement Mean?

Engagement is either sending an interview request or a private message to a unique job seeker. Once you have engaged a job seeker you can send as many messages and schedule as many interviews as you like. The engagement allocation will be renewed every billing period.

Publish your job listings in record time

Make your job requirements searchable to job seekers much faster via our easy to use forms. Share your company’s needs and job specifics more accurately so you can find the right fit for your business.

Know The Human Behind The Resume.

“I can’t wait to review this pile of resumes,” said absolutely nobody! No more tedious and exhaustive candidate sourcing. Talent sourcing can take up to 45% of the job hiring process! Watch 60 second profile videos from a diverse pool of individuals pitching their unique story and skills in living color. Now you can find a great fit for your company’s culture and knock out everything else on your to-do list with all of the new-found extra time you have.

Diversity is a gift!

At the end of the day, your new hire needs to fit in with your mission so you don’t end up back at square one. Bright minds come from different backgrounds. Diverse minds bring diverse solutions.

Modern Minds, Modern World, Modern Methods, For Finding The Right Fit.

Employers, the way we see it...

Statistics only get you so far when needing to hire a great fit the first go-round. That’s why we believe in Stories Over Stats. When you get to know the human being behind the title, GPA and certification, you realize exactly how well an applicant will fit within the role, fit within your company culture, and your future. Genuinely speaking, the world is filled with fresh talent that just needs an opportunity to prove their value and grow. You will gain insights that can never be gained from reviewing a paper resume.

You will never look at candidate sourcing the same after using our platform!

Syeed Ahmed


"A Foot in the Door is my new go-to recruitment tool. The ability to schedule an interview right from a candidate’s profile combined with the ability to conduct virtual interviews within the platform has been a game-changer! This product has literally given me back hours of time every single week. It may sound funny, but it makes my job as a recruiter fun again. Each video is like a new adventure.”

Janice Lee

Hiring Manager

"My favorite feature about this platform is the 60-second candidate videos. Scouring through resume after resume can become tedious, but I’ve found that the videos and the modern approach to potential employee profiles actually make it enjoyable in addition to informative. A Foot in the Door is leading the evolution of employment platforms."

Pricing Options Fit For Any Size Company

No risk 30-Day Free Trial. Cancel anytime, but we're confident that you'll love it here...


Tier 1

$499 / USD month

$5,389 / USD year Save $599


  • Unlimited Candidate Resume Views
  • Post 3 ‘Active’ Jobs Simultaneously
  • Engage with 60 unique candidates per billing period (720 for yearly plans)
  • 1 user seat (account login)
  • Basic company Brand Page


Emerging Growth

Tier 2

$999 / USD month

$10,789 / USD year Save $1,199


  • Unlimited Candidate Resume Views
  • Post 7 ‘Active’ Jobs Simultaneously
  • Engage with 420 unique candidates per billing period (5,040 for yearly plans)
  • Internal chat with your team. Never miss a beat!
  • 3 user seats (account logins)
  • Full company Brand Page


Tier 3

$1,499 / USD month

$16,189 / USD year SAVE $1,799


  • Unlimited Candidate Resume Views
  • Post Unlimited Jobs Simultaneously
  • Unlimited candidate engagement for
    each Job Listing
  • 10 user seats (account logins)*
  • Internal chat with your team. Never miss a beat!
  • Full Company Branding with
    consolidated job listings page
  • Verified ‘Global’ Account Badge –
    Exclusive benefit to Tier 3 Plans

*Additional seats can be purchased
at $199 per month / per seat.

Enjoy Exceeding Value With
Any Plan You Choose

Unlimited resume views for all plans. Where else can you find that?

60 second profile videos revolutionize talent sourcing.

Need to reschedule an interview? One click is all you need!

Flexible month to month payment plans.

Automated email capabilities - communicate with all parties in a flash.

Questions for a job seeker? Send them a private message with attachments!

Your company brand page is an evergreen billboard for new promotions and brand awareness.

Have a large company and need additional seats? We've got you covered!

Conduct virtual interviews from the comfort of your home office.

Real-time cloud notifications keep you informed with the pace of business.

Meet fresh talent where they are online.

Face to face virtual interviews in a secure session. Why pay for parking?

Have other questions?

Contact Us here so we can help.